Services - Click to Learn More!

Sometimes, an opinion and/or advice is all you need.  

Is your child facing challenges at school, whether in academics, behaviour, or social interactions? Are you worried about their development in any of these areas?

Experience has shown us that assessments and therapy are not the only options. Sometimes strategic advice is all you need. 

We start by examining your child's history, educational records, and your concerns. You'll have the opportunity to provide detailed information before our initial meeting, which we'll carefully review in advance to ensure a productive consultation.

Allow us to guide you toward the support that suits you best. 

We Can Assist You In...

✓ Understanding school feedback about your child

✓ Navigating school teams and meetings

✓ Deciphering documents like reports, assessments or IEPS

✓ Advocating for your child while maintaining your relationship with school staff

✓ Understanding the realities of the school system

✓ Determining what services, if any, are best suited for your child/family (e.g., therapy, behavioural intervention, assessment, IEP support, or more)

We recommend that most new clients begin with this service so that we can properly evaluate what services are most helpful for you.

"If a community values its children, it must support the parents."

John Bowlby

We are dedicated to empowering parents by providing the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to foster healthy child development, promote school success, and cultivate meaningful relationships with your children.

Here's how we can support you:

✓ Gaining deeper insights into children's thoughts and emotions to guide your parenting approach

✓ Enhancing communication and reducing conflicts within your household

✓ Assisting your child in managing intense emotions while maintaining positive boundaries

✓ Promoting consistency among parents/caretakers

✓ Implementing fundamental practices to nurture secure attachment at home

✓ Providing personalized strategies to address your toughest parenting challenges

Groups and Webinars: We also offer group sessions and webinars on demand.  

Feel free to schedule a session with us to explore any of these topics further or to arrange a group webinar on a specific subject. We look forward to supporting you on your parenting journey!

Assessments are typically for complex cases requiring an accurate pinpointing of the root cause behind a child or adult's challenges.

When appropriate supports are in place and there's still a puzzle to solve, we offer assessment services tailored to diverse needs. 

Our assessment process includes four steps:

✓ Thorough intake and developmental history review

✓ A protocol of standardized psychometric tools to evaluate intellectual profile, academic levels, behavioral and emotional functioning, social skills, and other pertinent areas

✓ Questionnaires for parents/caregivers and school personnel to understand behavior across various contexts

✓ Data integration is summarized in a comprehensive report with any diagnostic conclusions, and detailed recommendations for home, school, and community support.

We evaluate for a range of psychological disorders (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Giftedness, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional or Behavioral difficulties, School Readiness/Kindergarten Readiness), systematically ruling out potential explanations for the child's difficulties.

While addressing specific parental inquiries (e.g., Is my child gifted? Do they have ADHD?), our assessment encompasses all aspects of development, identifying strengths and challenges for a nuanced understanding. 

In navigating the assessment journey, we encourage parents to maintain an open mind. Together, we explore various avenues and uncover valuable insights. While assessment results may bring surprises, your child remains the cherished individual they are, irrespective of the journey's outcome!

Is your child struggling to start and/or complete tasks, set goals, organize their day, or prioritize activities? Do they seem to lack motivation to get things done? If you find yourself frequently guiding them through basic tasks, executive functioning coaching could greatly benefit them.

A person holding an object in their hands.

Executive functions can be thought of as the conductor of an orchestra. Just as a conductor coordinates the various musicians to create a harmonious performance, executive functions coordinate different cognitive processes to help an individual complete tasks and achieve goals.

Key components of executive functions include: working memory, inhibiting distractions, managing impulsivity, remaining flexible, planning/organizing, self-monitoring and emotion regulation.

Simply put: Getting started, sticking with it, and finishing the job! 


How We Can Help:
✓ Identifying executive functioning strengths and areas to work on
✓ Tailored coaching in specific areas which may include modelling, direct instruction, guided practice, visual aides/tools, and more
✓ Opportunity for follow up and reflective practice
✓ Opportunity for parent coaching to better understand your child’s functioning skills and how to best support continued development
✓ Suggestions tailored to your child or teen's age and school context 

"The unexamined life is not worth living."


Therapy provides a dynamic process where you delve into thoughts, feelings, and interpretations to improve your well-being, relationships, and overall functioning. By seeking therapy, you can increase your self-understanding, confidence, and joy, knowing you've taken reasonable steps toward improvement. While support from spouses, friends, or trusted individuals is valuable, therapy offers a unique space. It ensures confidentiality, objectivity, and safety, enabling you to freely express yourself to a trained professional.

For children and teenagers, we recommend an initial consultation service to assess the suitability of therapy. Children and teens exist within family systems with inherent power dynamics, relying on parents for various emotional and practical needs. Thus, we often suggest family-based interventions to enhance attachment security, parent-child relationship and sensitivity (on both sides) as the primary line of intervention. Let us help you find the right approach for your family's needs.

We hold our teachers and community schools in high regard and believe that successful parent-school collaboration is the key to success for all students.

Having worked in schools for decades, we're delighted to offer support to your school community in any way we can that may be beneficial. If you're interested in discussing a specific individualized program, please contact us!

Our consultation and workshop support covers a variety of topics aimed at enhancing school functioning and tackling real world problems in today's schools. We can also develop new content based on your needs.

✓ Understanding Today's Parent: Insights into the challenges and dynamics of contemporary parenting and practical solutions to work with them effectively 

✓ Executive Function in the Classroom: Understanding and applying EF tools for a smoother teaching experience 

✓ Attachment-Aware, Trauma Transformed Schools: Fostering a school climate that promotes attachment and well-being

✓ Best practices to support emotion regulation: Strategies and scripts to help students regulate their big emotions effectively and confidently 

We're here to support your school community on its journey toward success and excellence. Feel free to reach out to discuss how we can tailor our consultation/workshops to meet your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions & Privacy Policy

Insurance receipts are provided. We encourage you to verify with your insurance provider prior to our sessions together to confirm whether psychological services and/or educational consulting services are included and if so, for what amount. 

We are not equipped at this time to provide emergency services. We are available by appointment only.

If you require immediate support with your mental health and wellbeing please contact a crisis line, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room.  

Privacy Policy

Village Psychology

Effective Date: July 25, 2024

At Village Psychology, we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our clients' personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our clinic or use our services.

1. Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information that is necessary to provide psychological and consulting services and ensure the highest quality of care. This may include:

  • Name, address, and contact details
  • Date of birth
  • Health information, including medical history
  • Payment and billing information

2. Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide psychological assessments, treatment, and consulting services
  • To communicate with you regarding appointments, treatment, and other services
  • To maintain accurate and up-to-date records
  • To process payments and insurance claims
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements

3. Disclosure of Personal Information

We may share your personal information with third parties only under the following circumstances:

  • With your explicit consent
  • To healthcare providers and other professionals involved in your care
  • For billing and insurance purposes
  • As required by law or regulatory authorities
  • To protect the safety and security of our clients and staff

4. Protection of Personal Information

We implement a variety of security measures to ensure the protection of your personal information. These include:

  • Secure storage of physical and electronic records
  • Use of encryption and other technologies to safeguard data

5. Retention of Personal Information

We retain your personal information for 7 years after file closure to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

6. Access and Correction

You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by Village Psychology. To request access or make corrections, please contact us.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the updated policy on our website and, where appropriate, through direct communication.

8. Contact Us & Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, or if you feel that we have not adhered to this Privacy Policy or have violated your privacy rights, please contact us.Â